Yellow-Browed Tit: Discovering the Characteristics and Behavior of a Small Bird Found in Forested Areas with a Striking Plumage and Unique Feeding Habits.KieuTrinh

Forest Tit – Yellow browed tit, Fanxipan, October 2019 Describe: The forest tit is the smallest species in the tit group (only about 10 cm). The bird has light green plumage…

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Asian Golden Weaver: Illuminating Nature’s Tapestry with Golden Threads.KieuTrinh

Golden Rooster (male) / Asian golden weaver (male), Ba Ria, 6/2023 Golden Rooster (female) / Asian golden weaver (female), Ba Ria, 6/2023 Describe: The Golden Rooster is a medium-sized species…

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Eastern-Crowned Warbler: Unveiling the Regal Beauty of a Songbird Royalty.KieuTrinh

Eastern-Crowned Warbler, Son Tra, 09/2017 Describe: The Eastern Crested Warbler is very similar to the Northern Warbler, but has a recognizable pale stripe on the darker crown of the head,…

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Chestnut-Headed Tesia: Discovering the Characteristics and Behavior of a Small Bird Found in Forests with a Distinctive Plumage and Song.KieuTrinh

Chestnut-headed tesia, Fanxipan, 5/2022 Describe: Yellow-bellied warbler is a very small species (only about 9 cm). The bird has a chestnut-brown crown, bright yellow neck and upper chest, dark olive green…

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Plain Prinia: Exploring the Characteristics and Behavior of a Small Passerine Bird Found in Grasslands.KieuTrinh

Red-bellied larva (outside breeding season) / Plain prinia (non-breeding season), Hanoi, 2/20 22 Describe: The red-bellied lark is a small bird in the lark family (about 13 cm). The bird is easily…

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Yellow-Bellied Prinia: Discovering the Characteristics and Behavior of a Small Warbler Bird with a Distinct Plumage.KieuTrinh

Yellow bellied prinia, Hanoi, 2/2019 Describe: The yellow-bellied lark is similar in size to the rest of the lark group (about 13 cm). The bird has a gray top and sides…

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Long-Tailed Shrike: Exploring the Characteristics and Behavior of a Bird Known for its Long Tail and Predatory Nature.KieuTrinh

Long-tailed shrike – Long-tailed shrike, Xuan Thuy, 11/201 7 Describe: The long-tailed cypress is of medium size in the cypress group (about 25 cm). The bird has a large black patch at…

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Blue Pitta: Exploring the Unique Characteristics and Beautiful Appearance of a Tropical Bird.KieuTrinh

Red-headed amputee (male) – Blue pitta (male), Da Lat, December 2018 Red-headed amputee (female) – Blue  pitta (female), Da Lat, December 2018 Describe: The red-headed penguin is a small-sized species in the…

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Exploring the Captivating Beauty of the Many-Coloured Rush Tyrant Bird.KieuTrinh

The Many-Coloured Rush Tyrant, also known as Tachuris rubrigastra, is a captivating bird species that enchants birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts with its stunning plumage and unique behaviors. In this article,…

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Silver-Eared Mesia: Discovering the Shimmering Colors and Endearing Personality of this Bird

Five-colored bird/ Silver earring (male) – Silver-eared mesia (male), Ba Vi, 7/2019 Five-colored bird/Silver-eared gold (female) – Silver-eared mesia (female), Tam Dao, May 2020 Describe: The iridescent bird (or silver…

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